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Harlow Healthcare Library

Privacy Notice for NHS Knowledge and Library Services

By submitting personal data to us, you agree that we, your NHS Knowledge and Library Service, may collect, use and store any such personal information data in accordance with relevant data protection legislation and regulations, as described in this Privacy Notice.
Further details on relevant data protection legislation and regulations can be found on the website of the Information Commissioner’s Office.
This privacy notice explains:
1. why we hold your personal data
2. how you can find out what data we hold, and have that data updated or deleted
3. who may have access to your data
4. how your data is processed and stored
5. how long your data is retained
6. how you can request that we stop contacting you
If you have any concerns related to this Privacy Notice or have any queries about the use of your personal data, please contact us - your library service.
1. Why we hold your personal data
We store your personal data so that we can track your use of knowledge and library services and contact you if we need to about the services that we provide for you.
2. How you can find out what data we have, and have that data updated
For more information please contact us - your library service.
3. Who may have access to your data

Your data is accessible to knowledge and library service staff who use systems to deliver knowledge and library services to the NHS in England. In addition, your data is accessible to the system suppliers and system managers who provide and manage these systems. You may view the privacy policies of these systems in the appendix.
Staff at all organisations work in compliance with this Privacy Notice and any other appropriate confidentiality and security measures.
We will share your data with others only if required to do so by law. We will never sell your data to anyone or share it in a way not described in this notice without your permission.
4. How your data is processed and stored
When you register to use an NHS Knowledge and Library Service, we input the data into our systems. If you notify us of a change to your data, we update the systems accordingly. Safeguards are in place to help ensure that your data is kept safe and only disclosed to people who are authorised to view it.
5. How long your data is retained
Your data is kept for as long as you wish to receive knowledge and library services.
If you cease to require the use of these services, we will delete your data when you tell us to delete it, or if you don’t tell us, after a period has elapsed. We securely destroy any personal data about you when it is no longer of use.
6. How you can request that we stop contacting you
If you wish to stop receiving communications about knowledge and library services, please contact us - your library service.

Health Education England and NHS Knowledge and Library Services
Last updated: 22 April 2022
The Koha Library Management System, supplied by PTFS Europe:
The KnowledgeShare system used for current awareness alerts, supplied by Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust:
The OpenAthens system used to provide digital access to library services, supplied by JISC


Library Membership Terms and Conditions

1. Princess Alexandra Hospital Trust staff, and students on placement within the Trust can register for membership of the Library. 

2. Staff joining the library should complete a membership form and produce their ID badge or a form of identity to prove their employment.

3. All loanable items, apart from equipment items, may be borrowed for 28 days. Users may have up to eight items on their account at any one time. Books will not be issued without a library card or some form of NHS ID.

4. Books from within the East of England region are automatically renewed up to three times. It is not possible to renew an item if someone else has requested it. We reserve the right to recall books at any time. Books from outside the region are subject to the renewal policy of the lending library, which may differ in the number of renewals permitted.

5. In addition to HHL rules, items borrowed from other libraries may be subject to conditions imposed by the lending library, including the possibility of a charge.

6. Users with outstanding charges for lost/damaged books will not be allowed to borrow items and access to other library services may be restricted.

7. Users must pay for lost, damaged or non-returned items. Invoice or deduction from salary MAY be issued by the Director of Finance. Additional fees may be incurred and payable by you if the matter is referred to a debt agency.

8. Members who repeatedly abuse their privileges will be barred from using the library and its resources.

9. Failure to return library material may lead to the withholding of a qualification on completion of a course. 

10. Paper journals are available for reference purposes only and cannot be taken out of the library.

11. Users must comply with the copyright law when photocopying or scanning material.

12. All material requested via the library catalogue ELMS is subject to copyright law and the CLA/NHS copyright agreement. When requesting material you agree that it will only be used for non-commercial research or private study, and that to the best of your knowledge, no other person with whom you work or study has made or intends to make a request for this item for substantially the same purpose.

13. Any material supplied electronically can be downloaded and printed only once and then deleted. It cannot be photocopied and circulated nor supplied to another person by any other means.

14. All users of network information must abide by the rules set out in the PAHT IT Department Code of Conduct.

15. The library does not accept responsibility for personal property left in the library.

16. Users are required to treat the staff and the library with respect. Should any incident be reported, the matter will be pursued with the appropriate authority.

17. The library reserves the right to close at times other than those published.

18. Library borrowing rights may be withdrawn or restricted at the discretion of the Librarian.