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Harlow Healthcare Library

Harlow Healthcare Library - Resources

To browse our collections, visit our Library Catalogue at:

To make a request, or to view eBook content, please sign in at the above link, with your Library ID and PIN.

To access many of the electronic resources available from the NHS, you will need an NHS Athens account.
Register here:

Note: Please select Princess Alexandra as your Organisation when registering.

Contact us if you have any questions


BMJ Best Practice includes step by step guidance on diagnosis, prognosis, treatment and prevention. Log in NHS OpenAthens, choosing Princess Alexandra Hospital as your institution. The app gives you access to clinical information wherever you are, even when you are offline.


A definitive research tool for nursing and allied health professionals. With CINAHL Ultimate, users get fast and easy full-text access to top journals, evidence-based care sheets, quick lessons and more.

Access here (remote access via OpenAthens login).

Contact the library for access


A dynamic and fully searchable healthcare resource designed to provide clinicians with fast, clinically-relevant answers from Elsevier’s enormous library of medical and surgical content including 600+ ejournals and 1000+ eBooks.

Login via OpenAthens

Note: One-time action is needed to link your OpenAthens with ClinicalKey:

1. Login to ClinicalKey using the OpenAthens option (link above). 

2. On the top-right, select 'Active' and complete the form.

Contact us if you have any questions

Health Business Elite provides comprehensive journal content detailing all aspects of health care administration and other non-clinical aspects of health care institution management. It is an indispensable resource for both health care professionals and researchers.

Access here (login is via your OpenAthens account).

Contact the library with any access queries

This is included within Health Business Elite.

HBR presents analysis of management problems and helpful commentary on advanced thinking and practice in all fields of management.

This resource is accessible with a valid PAH OpenAthens login:

Browse Harvard Business Review Articles

Browse Harvard Business Review Digital Articles

Health Service Journal (HSJ) is the news and insight service for healthcare leaders working in, for, or with the NHS. HSJ covers all aspects of publicly funded healthcare from health policy to acute and primary care, specialist services to mental health and commissioning to provision.

Contact the library for access

KnowledgeShare is our targeted current awareness service delivered by email. KnowledgeShare alerts include resources such as guidelines, systematic reviews and selected high-level journals.

Please complete this registration form to set up your current awareness service, tailored to your professional interests. You will need an OpenAthens account to log in to KnowledgeShare.

Kortext gives you access to an online library of full-text eBooks. To view the collections, which include leadership, wellbeing, equality & diversity, clinical, medical, and examination texts:

  • Click 'Kortext' above
  • On the next screen click the 'sign up' link next to 'Don't have an account?' NOTE: this wording is misleading! You will NOT be required to register your email address or sign up!
  • On the next screen click the purple 'Sign up through your institution' button 
  • Choose 'Princess Alexandra Hospital' from the drop down list, and click continue
  • Enter your OpenAthens account details
  • Click the 'Kortext Library' tab to search or browse all the content available to PAHT staff and students

Links to Kortext ebooks are also available through our library catalogue:

Oxford Medicine Online logo

Online access to a selection of Medical and Healthcare books from Oxford University Press, including Oxford Handbooks, and the "Emergencies in" series.

Log in via your OpenAthens account.

The Royal Marsden Hospital Manual of Clinical Nursing Procedures is an excellent tool to enable nurses to access the latest research relevant to practice quickly and easily from a source they can trust.

Log in to RMMO via your OpenAthens account.

A search engine aimed at health professionals looking for clinical research literature to support patient care is available to all of the NHS in England.

No login required. 

An evidence-based clinical decision support tool, helping you make the right decisions at the point of care. The mobile app is also available once you register for an UpToDate account. To register, please use the link from the PAH Applications folder on a PAHT computer.

For a preview, click here