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East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust Knowledge and Library Services: Clinical Skills & Procedures

Welcome to the ENHT Knowledge and Library Home page

Anatomy and Physiology


Visible Body is an interactive 3D online anatomy and physiology learning package.  You can access Visible Body by clicking on the link via your PC, laptop or download app version on your tablet or smart phone.  The Visible Body mobile app is available from Google Play (for Android devices) and the Apple App Store

The first time you use Visible Body Suite you will need to register using a Trust networked computer.   Click on ‘Sign up’ and use your NHS email address for registration.  The next time you sign in to Visible Body Suite (either on-site or off-site) use the same username and password you set.

Please be aware that off-site access can be maintained by signing in on-site every 150 days. This is a publisher requirement.


Getting started guide

Check out the tutorial on how to get started using Visible Body Suite

Accessibility and preferences options

VB Suite offers many different accessibility and preference options. This article describes these options and where to find them in the software.



Clinical skills and procedures in picture format.  An online educational resource to support training and best practice in clinical skills.   Click on the above logo and login with your NHS OpenAthens account to access the resource.


Clinical skills for Revalidation

Clinical for Revalidation and CPD can be used to 

  • keep an organised record of your continuing professional development
  • generate a report in an NMC approved format
  • help you prepare you for revalidation

You will need to login either with your NHS OpenAthens account or alternatively you can create a personal Clinical account.  View the guides which explain how Clinical can be used for testing your knowledge and understanding and how to manage your CPD record.


Royal Marsden Manual


Click on the above logo and login with your NHS OpenAthens account to access the resource.

A-Z Quick Reference to the Procedure Guidelines