NHS Repository Research (beta)
Click on the title to search multiple NHS repositories in one place.
Below is a list of NHS institutional repositories which are freely accessible.
amber (Ambulance Research Repository) - Information & Resources
amber (Ambulance Research Repository) - NHS Ambulance Services in England) - Beta version
ELHT Staff Publications (East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust)
GHNHSFT Electronic Research Database (Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust)
Institutional repository - Chelsea & Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
KnowledgeHub (Ashford & St Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust)
Publications by JPUH (James Paget University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust)
Publications Database (Birmingham & Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust)
RD&E Research Repository (Royal Devon & Exeter NHS Foundation Trust)
Southport and Ormskirk Staff Publications (Southport & Ormskirk Hospital NHS Trust)
Staff Publications (Robert Jones & Agnes Hunt Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Foundation Trust)
Staff publications - Chelsea & Westminster NHS Foundation Trust
Staff Publications Online (Tavistock & Portman NHS Foundation Trust)
UHB Repository (University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust)