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East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust Knowledge and Library Services: Writing and Publishing

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Academic Writing - videos

Papworth Library has produced a series of videos on

Academic Writing

Reflective Writing

Writing for Publication


Predatory Publishing Video

Royal Literacy Trust - writing resources

BBC OU Academic Writing Course


10 Module Course on Academic Writing


Anglia Ruskin University Resources

Where to Publish

If you are not sure where to publish your journal article, these links may help.

JANE Biosemantics



Alternatively, you could do a targeted search on PubMed for the topic you are writing about.

Export the PMIDs into PubReminer

One of the output columns is 'Journal Title' - so you can see which journals the articles on your topic are being published in.


Free to publish journals


A list of journals that are free for authors to publish, free for readers, peer-reviewed and indexed in MEDLINE.

BMJ Case Reports

The library has a subscription to BMJ Case Reports.  If you have a case report that you would like to publish please contact the library to ask for our Fellowship Code which will enable you to publish for free in this journal.

Predatory Publishing

Beware of predatory journals - for further information check out the following links and always do your own research into the publisher to protect yourself and your scholarly work.

Think Check Submit - includes a checklist to evaluate the journal you want to publish in.

Article from Nature - Predatory Journals:  No definition, no defence

Beall's List

Further Information can be found on Nanyang Technological University library website.

Writing for publication

Useful guidance from the Health Education England Learning Zone website. Answers to your questions, and useful resources.