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Global Health Alert - Mpox (monkeypox virus)
List of useful resources
Point of Care resources
BMJ Best Practice entry on mpox free access
Disease outbreak resources - UK
The UKHSA response to the World Health Organization's declaration of a public health emergency of international concern 15th August 2024.
UK Health Security Agency Monkeypox outbreak: epidemiological overview. About the situation in the UK, updated on 8th August 2024.
UK Health Security Agency HAIRS risk assessment (risk that mammalian pets exposed to the virus present to the human population)
UK Health Security Agency Guidance - background information. Last updated July 2023.
Royal College of Nursing - podcast on how nurses can spot and treat it and protect themselves. Dated July 2022.
Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency - CAS Alert - immediate actions in response to cases in the UK with no known travel history. Dated: May 2022
NHS Health A-Z
NHS Inform (NHS Scotland)
Public Health Wales - mpox information for health professionals (in English)
Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru - mpox gwybodaeth i weithwyr iechyd proffesiynol (yn Gymraeg)
Worldwide Information
WHO Mpox page - includes disease outbreak outputs and details of which countries have reported cases.
WHO - interim guidance on laboratory testing for the virus
For current case data, try ProMED (search mpox for newer reports, monkeypox for older ones).
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control - includes fact sheet for health professionals, links to news items and to communicable disease reports.
MedlinePlus resource page (links to US resources)
Genetic Sequence Data
MPXV data on (more here about the forum itself).
Current Literature
A search of PubMed (includes case reports and news items, as well as research - results are sorted by date)
A search on ClinicalKey Open Athens login required
A search on KnowledgeShare Open Athens login required
List curated by Keith Nockels and KLS Team
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