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East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust Knowledge and Library Services: Critical Thinking

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What is Critical Thinking and Why is it Important?

View our short video below for an explanation of what critical thinking is

and why it is important in all aspects of life.








Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay 

Critical Thinking Video - best viewed in full screen

Critical Thinking Video from QualiaSoup - best viewed in full screen

Catalogue of Bias

Critical Thinking Handout

Evaluating Sources of Information

Logical Fallacies from The Upturned Microscope

The Upturned Microscope - Logical Fallacies 

A logical fallacy is an error in reasoning which is used to support or refute an argument.  Logical fallacies make your argument less effective and convincing.

Check out just a few examples (there are more) from The Upturned Microscope.  How many can you spot in real life?

Ad hominem


Appeal to Authority

Appeal to Emotion

Arguing from Fallacy

Argument from Incredulity


Burden of Proof

Confirmation Bias

False Cause

Gambler’s Fallacy

Loaded Question

Slippery Slope

Special Pleading


Tu Quoque


More examples can be found here 

and here


A beginner's guide can be found here